Smash Burger on Blackstone Griddle Recipe

Fast food has an irresistible taste to everyone, especially the young. The burger is the favorite of all time thanks to its various filling, such as beef, salmon, bacon, etc. 

Such mouthwatering! The amazing thing is that preparing a yummy burger at home is not difficult. Let’s take a look at our Blackstone smash burger recipe. We bet you can make it on your first try!

Blackstone Smash Burger Recipe
Smash burger bun served with prickles (Source: Google)

Smash Burger on ​​​​Blackstone Griddle Recipe 

Ingredients & Preparation

What we need are:

  • Ground beef 
  • Slices of Butter
  • Pickle
  • Garlic salt
  • Pepper
  • Cheese
  • Hamburger buns
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil

Now, let’s preliminary these ingredients.

Add garlic, salt, and pepper to the beef for the main stuffing and mix them. You can also add some drops of olive oil to make grilling easier.

For the topping, you will need to cut the pickle, tomato, avocado, and onion into 1-inch slides so that your burgers won’t go too big.

We’ve done the very first step for the Blackstone smash burger recipe. It’s time to cook.

Grill beef (Source: Google)

How To Cook The Blackstone Smash Burger Recipe

Shape The Meat 

You should divide the meat into smaller amounts and make them into meatballs. The ideal size is about 3 oz for each. We prefer to put them in the fridge for 10 minutes to make them connected and well-shaped.

Preheat The Blackstone

It’s important to cook the meat perfectly. The suitable temperature is about 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, drop some olive oil on the surface. You can also use butter instead.

Grill Meatballs

Place the meatballs in the Blackstone. You will need to make them into thinner patties with the help of parchment paper and a burger press. 

Flip It 

The beef will take about 3 – 5 minutes to turn into a caramelized color and give off a mouthwatering scent. And it’s time to flip it and wait for another 3 – 5 minutes.

Prepare the Bun

While grilling beef, according to the Blackstone smash burger recipe, you should toast the buns to save time and have hot and soft burgers. Let’s take advantage of the Blackstone, but avoid the olive oil or butter. You can heat it in an oven without worrying about being burnt.

Some melted cheese for your burger (Source: Google)

Melt Cheese 

Put slices on top of the patties and cook for another 1 minute. You can put 1 or 2 slices for each patty. The cheese will melt slightly and look gorgeous and yummy.

Finish Touch

Let’s stuff all the fillings into the bun. The lowest layer is a bun, of course. Next comes the lettuce, a slice of tomato, and a slice of an onion ring. You can also change this combination with prickles and avocado. Each of them will offer a different taste of heaven. Now, the main character comes with two patties. Double meat, double joy! The last layer will be another bun.

Tips For Cooking The Perfect Blackstone Griddle Smash Burger

You can have this fast food for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It sounds easy to cook the Blackstone smash burger recipe, but here are some tips to make your dish level up!

Choose the perfect ground beef for your burgers (Source: Google)

Tip #1: Choose the beef. The ideal ground beef will have 20% fat and 80% lean meat. This ratio will make your patties juicy and mild. If you don’t like fat, you can lower the amount but not exceed 5%, or your steak will get dry.

Tip #2: Add some chopped onion to the beef. The onion will give a mild taste and keep the meat juicy when grilled on Blackstone. Also, it offers a fresh and balanced flavor. When the outer of the patties get caramelized, the onion gets cooked with a smoky scent. How yummy!

Tip #3: Grill onion rings. If you find the fresh onion rings pungent, why don’t you grill them for a smokey flavor? You can use the Blackstone, extra olive oil, and fat to grill the onion rings while cooking the patties. Quick, easy, and effective!

What To Serve With Blackstone Smash Burger

French Fries

A perfect combination will go to Blackstone smash burger and French fries. While the burger is soft and juicy with the freshness of veggies, its partner is a little crispy. Dipping these fries into ketchup or chili sauce will reduce the grease incredibly.

French fries and burgers (Source: Google)


The sourness stimulates cravings and makes you wholeheartedly enjoy the meal. Besides, it is fresh and crisp, opposite the Blackstone smash burger.


It would be a mistake to forget coke in your fast meal. Like the sourness of pickles or the freshness of veggies, the ingredients of coke have the same effect on your appetite. While the bun is quite dry, even when the patties and other toppings are juicy, coke will blow your thirst away!


Are you about to hold a party in your backyard for your friends and family? Let’s have some fast food on your menu. The smash burger on Blackstone griddle recipe will help you prepare the meal quickly and effectively. Also, it can fulfill your guests’ hungry tummies.

You can also add different flavors of burgers to your backyard party and serve them with French fries.

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